It can be tempting to ignore the distress of a large tree on your property in hopes that it recovers. You may even try to increase care, including pruning and watering, in an attempt to save it. Unfortunately, though, you may actually end up with a bigger problem. The following are just a few reasons why it is better to remove a dying tree, no matter how much you appreciate its beauty in your yard.
1. Danger of Falling
When trees are dying, the roots are often one of the first parts to begin shriveling and rotting. Combine dying root systems with a large, heavy tree, and the risk of the tree falling is high. The tree is more likely to come down in the next big windstorm, but it may come down even sooner if the ground is wet or if the tree is already leaning. Unlike small trees, large trees in residential areas rarely fall down without causing some damage.
2. Dropping Branches
One of the earliest issues with a dying tree, particularly a large one, is that it begins dropping branches. This occurs either due to branch dieback and weakening wood or as the tree naturally sheds extra branches as it works to preserve its resources in a fight for survival. Unfortunately, the branches on large trees can be comparable in size to the trunks of smaller trees. These dropped branches aren't just a nuisance, but also a danger.
3. Insect Issues
If an insect plague, like emerald ash borer, is the cause for the tree's distress, then removal is recommended simply to destroy the insects before they spread to even more trees. Insects can also invade a tree that is dying for other reasons, but these insects will also pose the risk of moving on to nearby trees that were otherwise healthy. Removal of the tree stops the insect invasion.
4. Disease Concerns
Disease is an equal concern to insects, especially contagious diseases that are contributing to the decline of your large tree. Having the tree professionally removed and all infected plant material hauled away must be done to protect your other trees and those in neighboring yards.
5. Liability
A large dying tree poses a liability concern. There is no guarantee that it will fall on your property alone if it blows down or drops a branch. You may be liable if it falls on a road, a parked car, or a neighboring property. It could even drop a branch and cause injury to a visitor or delivery person walking under it.
Contact a tree removal service in your area for more assistance if the time has come to take down the large tree in your yard.